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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 9, 20202 min read
Brandless folds, proving (yet again) the value of brands.
The death of person&planet&health&sustainability-conscious Brandless hardly comes as a surprise. Yet another ‘disruptive’ on-line...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 3, 20201 min read
Death by a thousand cuts
By rough count, there were well over 2000 cuts in yesterday’s Super Bowl commercials (125 in the Hard Rock/J.Lo commercial itself, all...
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Randy DeMuesy
Aug 7, 20192 min read
Surf upon the Ocean of Mediocrity
You a business owner? Marketing director, maybe? Here’s an effective way to invest the next hour: Hop on the internet and poke around...
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Randy DeMuesy
Jul 18, 20193 min read
A marketing lesson from Apollo 11
This NASA chart showing the tactics, timing and trajectory of Apollo 11 is simply extraordinary. It makes the moon landing all the more...
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Randy DeMuesy
Jun 11, 20192 min read
Everything old can be new again.
In this dog-eat-dog world, a family sausage business making it well into the 3rd generation takes hard work and adherence. But picking up...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 30, 20191 min read
What makes you so special?
Funny, but many can’t answer that question. They can’t say what it is about their company that sets it apart. Makes it so meaningful to...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 23, 20191 min read
Damn the strategy, full tactics ahead!
Today, you have more marketing weapons than ever to use for a pointed attack. But without a plan, you might just poke your eye out. The...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 16, 20191 min read
The truth shall set you free
When you dig deep to uncover the core truth about your brand, and the human truths about your customers, and then discover the way both...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 8, 20192 min read
Your sales not moving? You may need to 'Man Up'.
Forgive the sexist-sounding tone of that headline, but ‘Manning Up’ relates to the first example of a brand looking beyond its product’s...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 8, 20192 min read
What Facebook can teach about your mission statement
There’s an article describing Facebook’s mission statement evolution. First, it was ‘Making the world more open and connected.” Yet, with...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 26, 20192 min read
Getting the cousins together: overcoming threats to a 3rd generation business
It happens without anybody realizing. It may be happening right now. And it can threaten the very future of your family owned company....
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 20, 20191 min read
Where do you find your brand?
If you’re a family owned company getting ready to start succession planning, or possibly facing a changing market, you need to know where...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 12, 20192 min read
What comes first: the Mission Statement or Brand Positioning?
If you’re like most family owned businesses, you already have your mission statement. It may have been written down by the Founder before...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 12, 20192 min read
When branding, ignorance is bliss
It’s not always easy to develop a brand position for your own company. And for a very good reason. You need to discover new insights...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 12, 20193 min read
Don't begin succession planning until you've done this first
If you are the Founder of a successful family owned business, there is no shortage of business consultants urging you to engage in...
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Randy DeMuesy
Feb 12, 20192 min read
Branding is like bootcamp
They get off the bus having different abilities, beliefs, attitudes, and habits. They drop their bags, get their shave, are issued common...
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Randy DeMuesy
Apr 17, 20181 min read
They're going to love you
Your customers: for giving them something meaningful to expect. Your associates: for providing a clear picture of what their company is...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 7, 20182 min read
Branding and the Bullshit Buzzer
During branding workshops with company principles and employees, it’s my job to put my outside perspective to work, and therefore, my...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 7, 20181 min read
Don't sell yourself short
When selling their business, some owners give away their most valuable asset. Their brand. Oh, sure, in planning for their exit, the...
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Randy DeMuesy
Mar 7, 20183 min read
Don't use a jackhammer to do your branding
Good branding requires revealing useful insights about your company, your product and—especially—your target: those people whom you most...
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